Saturday, May 7, 2011

Anna's demands and to the Constitution

♦ Dilip MandalAnna Hazare's demand in India of corruption should be an effective ombudsman law. Current law is not effective. Civil society to meet the people Bill has made a public ombudsman. Government should create a draft of a new Lok Pal Bill by Joint Committee. The committee of civil society to include people.

Anna who in civil society: the civil society representative of Anna says they are mainly people from NGOs, retired officer, lawyers ... These people are not representative of the public. You do not choose them, not delete. These are the elite of the country. Their own interests and interests. They are not responsible to anybody.

What worked in the law of civil society: the Indian Constitution to legislate a set procedure. Elected representatives of the public authority has been given to it. All the weaknesses of Indian democracy and the constitution may be, but remains the people's faith. All sorts of people to achieve the country's freedoms and rights are the source. Flirting with a civil society or the constitutional process, once given the right to intervene, its dangers. It is not difficult to understand.Public - Ombudsman Bill in the process of civil society was once involved a series that could begin, the Constitution Pehuanchacga damage.I submit that the way the whole issue to be seen.

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