Friday, July 8, 2011

झारखंड की मीडिया मोनोपली: हिंदुस्तान, प्रभात खबर और जागरण समूह का बोलबाला

झारखंड की मीडिया मोनोपली: हिंदुस्तान, प्रभात खबर और जागरण समूह का बोलबाला

by मीडिया देश on Friday, July 8, 2011 at 11:19pm
झारखंड में तीन मीडिया समूह का सिक्का चलता है। ये मीडिया समूह जो खबर न छापें, वह बात आप समझ सकते हैं कि झारखंड में हुई ही नहीं। दशमलव के बाद के सिर्फ एक अंक को लेते हुए जो तस्वीर सामने आती है, उसके मुताबिक झारखंड के टॉप 10 अखबारों की कुल दैनिक पाठक संख्या लगभग 45.6 लाख है। इनमें से हिंदुस्तान, प्रभात खबर और जागरण समूह के अखबार मिलकर 42.8 लाख पाठक कंट्रोल करते हैं। यानी ये तीन बड़े खिला़ड़ी मिलकर टॉप 10 अखबारों के कुल पाठक का 93% कंट्रोल करते हैं।


The No.1 daily of Jharkhand Hindi daily ‘Hindustan’ has been growing in the state from past few quarters and yet again the newspaper has recorded 4.6% of growth in the first quarter of IRS Q1 2011. Its current AIR stands at 18.48 lakh as compared to 17.66 lakh in Q4 2010, 16.3 lakh in Q3 2010, 14.69 lakh in Q2 2010 and 13.53 lakh in Q1 2010. The daily has grown by 36% in the state over the past one year.

The second largest read daily in Jharkhand ‘Prabhat Khabar’ has recorded even more growth in the current survey. Adding 6.6% more readers in this quarter, Prabhat Khabar has registered an AIR of 13.71 lakh as compared to 12.86 lakh in the previous quarter and 9.81 lakh in Q1 2010. Prabhat Khabar has grown by 40% in its home state since Q1 2010.

‘Dainik Jagran’, the No.3 daily in the state has registered a growth of 3% in the first quarter of IRS 2010. Dainik Jagran has recorded an AIR of 9.15 lakh in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 8.88 lakh in previous quarter, 8.23 lakh in Q3 2010, 8.2 lakh in Q2 2010 and 8.54 lakh in Q1 2010. Jagran has registered an overall growth of more than 7% since Q1 2010.

‘Aj’ has been able to hold its readers this quarter and lost only 2000 readers according to the AIR data release for the first quarter of IRS 2011. The 4th largest read daily of the state has recorded an AIR of 1.1 lakh as compared to 1.12 lakh in previous quarter and 77,000 in Q1 2010. Aj has grown by 43% in the state over the past one year.

Despite losing 13,000 readers in the current survey, English daily ‘I-Next’ remains at No.5 with an AIR of 80,000 in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 93,000 in the previous quarter.

At No.6, English daily ‘The Telegraph’ has an AIR of 72,000 in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 82,000 in the previous quarter and 78,000 in Q1 2010.

Adding a few readers in the current survey, ‘The Times of India’has replaced Hindustan Times to acquire the 7th spot in the state. The paper has recorded an AIR of 71,000 in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 69,000 in the previous quarter.

Now at 8th spot, ‘Hindustan Times’ has recorded an AIR of 57,000 in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 70,000 in the previous quarter and 55,000 in IRS Q1 2011. Thus the paper has added 2,000 readers since IRS Q1 2010.

Bangla daily ‘Anand Bazar Patrika’ holds the 9th spot with AIR of 42,000 in IRS Q1 2011 as compared to 35,000 in previous quarter and 30,000 in IRS Q1 2010.

The English daily ‘The Hindu’ is the last in top 10 list with AIR of 21,000.


  1. यह स्थिति है तो कहना पड़ेगा कि मीडिया भी किसी माफिया से कम नहीं :)

  2. ये सच है कि मीडिया भी किसी माफिया से कम नहीं,पर तीन आखबार हैं तो ये मोनोपोली तो नहीं है,
    विवेक जैन
