Tuesday, January 1, 2013

भिमा कोरेगाव की लडाई

Battle of Koregaon

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Battle of Koregaon
Part of the Third Anglo-Maratha War

Bhima Koregaon Victory Pillar
Date 1 January 1818
Location Koregaon, near Pune in Maharashtra State, India
Result Decisive British victory
British East India Company flag.svg British East India Company Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Empire
Commanders and leaders
Capt. F. F. Staunton Peshwa Baji Rao II
500 Infantry of the 2nd Battalion 1st Regiment of the Bombay Native Light Infantry along with 250 cavalry and 24 cannons, all mostly Mahars 20,000 cavalry and 8,000 soldiers of the Maratha Army
Casualties and losses
22 soldiers killed Unknown
The Battle of Koregaon took place on January 1, 1818, at the bank of the river Bhima in Koregaon, northwest of Pune, India. A small force of 500 men of the 2nd Battalion 1st Regiment of the Bombay Native Light Infantry (mostly Mahars) under the command of Capt. F. F. Staunton fought continuously without rest or respite, food or water [1] for twelve hours against a large force of 20,000 horse and 8,000 infantry of Maratha Leader Peshwa Baji Rao II who was threatening the British garrisons at Kirkee and Poona.
In November 1817, Peshwas devastated the Regency of Pune giving no scope for the British army to retaliate successfully. The British commanding officer in Pune called the Chief of the second Battalion-first Regiment Native Infantry for help which was encamped in the Shirur Taluka of Pune district. This contingent, with only 500 foot soldiers and 250 cavalry both predominantly having with Mahars defeated the mighty Peshwa army of 8,000 foot soldiers and 20,000 cavalry.
The Peshwa's troops inexplicably withdrew that evening, despite their overwhelming numbers, giving the British an important victory. The men of the 2/1st Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, who fought in this battle, were honored for their bravery. The official report to the British Residents at Poona recalls the "heroic valour and enduring fortitude" of the soldiers, the "disciplined intrepidity" and "devoted courage and admirable consistency" of their actions.[1]
This battle had unusual significance. First, the British army fought this battle with a minuscule army despite expecting the worst. Secondly, the battle of Koregaon was one of the most important events which helped tear down the Peshwa Empire and subsequently the Peshwa had to abdicate. Thirdly and most importantly, it was an attempt by the untouchables of Maharashtra to break the shackles of the age-old caste order.[1]
The battle is commemorated by an obelisk, known as the Koregaon pillar, which featured on the Mahar Regiment crest until Indian Independence. The monument has names inscribed of twenty two Mahars killed there, erected at the site of the battle and by a medal issued in 1851. Today, the monument "serves as a focal point of Mahar heroism".[1] Historian have acknowledged this historical event and praised Mahars for their bravery. Many sections of society glorifies the Mahars who died in the battle, majority terms them as great hero who shown incredible perseverance and gallantry to defeat the might Peshwa.

भिमा कोरेगाव की लडाई

मुक्त ज्ञानकोष विकिपीडिया से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
भिमा कोरेगाव की लडाई सन १ जनवरी १९१८ इसवी मे पुना स्थित कोरेगाव मे भिमा नदी के पास हुई । 1 जनवरी 1818 को भीमा नदी के किनारे कोरेगाव, उतरी पूर्वी पुणे में लड़ी गई थी । यह लड़ाई अंग्रेजो और पेशवा के बिच लड़ी गई थी । अंग्रेजो के तरफ 500 लडाके जिसमे 450 महार (अछूत ) थे और पेशवा बाजीराव-II के 28000 सैनिक थे । मात्र 500 अछूतो ने पेशवा की शक्तिशाली फौज को हरा दिया । सैनिको को उनकी वीरता और सहस की लिए सम्मानित किया गया ।
ब्रिटिश रेजिडेंट की अधिकारिक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार इसे नायकत्व वाला कर्त्य कहा गया और सैनिको के अनुशासित और समर्पित साहस और स्थिरता की तारीफ की गई । यह युद्ध बहुत ही महत्त्व का था । प्रथम अंग्रेजो की छोटी सी टुकड़ी ने पेशवा को हरा दिया जिसने पेशवा साम्राज्य का सफाया करने में मदद की । दूसरा अछूत महारो को अपनी वीरता दिखा जाती बंधन को तोड़ने का मौका [1]

Printer Friendly Version
1st January, 1818:
‘The Battle Of Bhima Koregaon’
By Pardeep Singh Attri
01 January, 2010
“If we wish to be free, we must fight. Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
– Patrick Henry (March, 1775)
History of India is nothing but the fight/struggle between untouchables and so called upper castes. Historians those are ought to be rationalist, have always misled masses and never showed the true face of Indian History. Hence, this battle has also been lost into history and no reference is found in any history book.
January 1st 1818, when everyone around the world was busy in celebrating the ‘new year’, when everyone was in cheerful mood, but not for a small force of 500 untouchable soldiers were preparing them to for battleground. Who knows this battle is going to write future of ‘Brahmin Peshwa Baji Rao-II’? It wasn’t just another battle; it was a battle for self respect, esteem and against the supremacy of Manusmriti. This battle is important in history, as everyone know that after this battle rule of ‘Peshwa Rao’ ended.
In the early 19th century, the Maratha Empire led by Peshwa Baji Rao II was gradually diminishing due to internal dissents and setbacks in the previous Anglo-Maratha wars. Maharashtrian society under Peshwas had followed nastiest kind of social discrimination wherein the lower strata of society such as untouchables were confined to the stringent Brahmanical laws and subsequently their mobility and development were impaired. The untouchables had suffered the most in the 2000 year old caste system. But regimes such as of the Brahmincal Peshwas are the best examples where untouchables and the lower caste groups experienced horrendous and nastiest form of social humiliations to carry broom sticks on their backs and earthen pots hung on their necks wherein they released their spit.
This battle took place on January 1st, 1818, near the banks of Bhima River in Koregaon (north-west of Pune) between small forces of ‘500 untouchables’ (Mahars) soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 1st regiment of ‘Bombay Native Light Infantry’ and Peshwa soldiers. ‘Bombay Native Light Infantry’ was headed by ‘Caption Francis Staunton’. Compared to the ‘500 untouchables soldiers’ Brahmin Peshwa Rao’s force was large in numbers, they were more than 20,000 horsemen and 8,000 infantry soldiers. After walking down more than 27Miles distance from Shirur to Bhima Koregaon without rest or reprieve, without food or water ‘500 untouchables’ fought so bravely for 12 hours and won the battle. Battle ended not only with ‘victory’ over Peshwa but it become responsible for the end of ‘Peshwai’ in Maharashtra.
This battle had unusual significance for many reasons. First, British army fought this battle with a minuscule army expecting the worst, especially after their experience of the Pune Regency. Secondly, the battle of Koregaon was one of the most important events which helped tear down the Peshwa Empire and subsequently the Peshwa had to abdicate. Thirdly and most importantly, it was an attempt by the untouchables of Maharashtra to break the shackles of the age-old caste order.
The Peshwa's troops inexplicably withdrew that evening, despite their overwhelming numbers, giving the British an important victory. The men of the 2/1st Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, who fought in this battle, were honored for their bravery. The official report to the British Residents at Poona recalls the "heroic valour and enduring fortitude" of the soldiers, the "disciplined intrepidity" and "devoted courage and admirable consistency" of their actions.
Much praise was showered on the Mahar Sepoys of the Bombay Army who endured the rigours of difficult marches when rations were low and disease was high among men and animals. Whether they were charging ahead or were besieged or taken prisoner-of-war, whether they were storming fortresses or making tactical withdrawals, they always stood steadfast by their officers and comrades, never letting down the honour of their Regiments. Similar anecdotes are recorded in the written histories of the Mahar Regiment and Bombay Army. All demonstrate that most Mahars soldiers were dedicated and courageous.
This Battle was commemorated by an obelisk, known as the Koregaon Pillar (Vijay Stambh), which featured on the ‘Mahar Regiment’ crest until Indian Independence. The ‘Vijay Stambh’ reminds us ‘together we can achieve anything’. The monument has names inscribed of twenty two untouchables (Mahars) killed there, erected at the site of the battle and by a medal issued in 1851. Today, the monument still "serves as focal point of Untouchable (Mahar) heroism". Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar used to visit Bhima Koregaon (Shaurya Bhomi) every year on 1st January to pay homage to great Mahar soldiers of The Bhima Koregaon Battle.
On New Year eve, rather than visiting pubs, dancing and enjoying over beer bottles, pay rich tribute to the heroes of ‘Battle’. This all will show respect, our commitment, courage and awareness towards our rich history. One step ahead we can suggest or request all of you that in remembrance of untouchable soldier who fought and died for self respect and esteem in ‘Bhima Koregaon Battle’ over the haughty, superior and arrogant ‘Savarnas’.
For Further References Read:
1. ‘The Mahar Movement’s Military Component’ at
2. ‘Battle of Bhima Koregaon’ at
4. ‘Mahar Regiment’ at
5. Postal Ticket on Mahar Regiment at

Tarsem Singh Bains ‘भीमा नदी’ के तट पर बसा, गाँव ‘भीमा – कोरेगांव’, पुणे ( महाराष्ट्र )/
01 जनवरी 1818 का ‘ठंडा’ दिन, दो ‘सेनाएं’, आमने - सामने /
28000 सैनिकों सहित ‘पेशवा बाजीराव – ( II ) 2’, के विरूद्ध ‘बॉम्बे नेटिव लाइट इन्फेंट्री’ के 500 ‘महा
र’ सैनिक ///
‘ब्राह्मण’ राज बचाने की फिराक में ‘पेशवा’, तथा दूसरी ओर ‘पेशवाओं’ के, पशुवत ‘अत्याचारों’ से ‘बदला’ चुकाने की ‘फिराक’ में, गुस्से से तमतमाए “ महार “ //
घमासान ‘युद्ध’ और ‘ब्रह्मा’ के मुँह से ‘जनित’ ( पैदा हुए ) ‘पेशवा’ की शर्मनाक ‘पराजय’ |
सब से पहले उन, 500 ‘महार’ ( पूर्वजों ) को ‘नमन’ करो ... क्यों ... ??
1 ) उस ‘हार’ के बाद, ‘पेशवाई’ खतम हो गयी थी |
2 ) ‘अंग्रेजो’ को इस भारत देश की, ‘सत्ता’ मिली |
3 ) ‘अंग्रेजो’ ने इस भारत देश में, ‘शिक्षण’ का प्रचार किया, जो ‘हजारो’ सालों से, ‘बहुजन’ समाज के लिए ‘बंद’ था |
4 ) ‘महात्मा फुले’ पढ़ पाए, और इस देश की जातीयता ‘समज’ पाऐ |
5 ) अगर ‘महात्मा फुले’ न पढ़ पाते, तो ‘शिवाजी महाराज’ की ‘समाधी’ कोण ‘ढूँढ’ निकलते |
6 ) अगर ‘महात्मा फुले’ न ‘पढ़’ पाते, तो ‘सावित्री बाई’ कभी इस देश की प्रथम ‘महिला शिक्षिका’ न बन सकती थी |
7 ) अगर ‘सावित्री बाई’, न ‘पढ़’ पाई होती तो, इस देश की ‘महिला’ कभी न पढ़ पाती |
8 ) ‘शाहू महाराज’, ‘आरक्षण’ कभी न दे पाते |
9 ) ‘डॉ. बाबा साहब’, कभी न ‘पढ़’ पाते |
10 ) अगर 1 जनवरी, 1818 को, 500 ‘महार’ सैनिकों ने 28,000 ‘ब्राम्हण’ ( पेशवाओं ) को, मार न डाला होता तो ... !!! आज हम लोग कहा पे रहते ... ??

Keep in mind, Never forget the history of our ‘Forefathers’ ...!!! If today, YOU forget the ‘History’, then coming generations will also forget the ‘History’ ... !!!

……… AND ……..
‘Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar’, used to pay tributes to 500 ‘Mahars’ ( Forefathers ) on the ‘1st Janaury’ of every year ... !!! ……….. By :--> Manish Gangurde


  1. Replies
    1. भिमा कोरेगाव की लडाई सन १ जनवरी १९१८ इसवी मे पुना स्थित कोरेगाव मे भिमा नदी के पास हुई । 1 जनवरी 1818पेशवा बाजीराव-II के 28000 सैनिक थे । मात्र 500 अछूतो ने पेशवा की शक्तिशाली फौज को हरा दिया

    2. इस इतिहास पे हमें शर्मिंदा होना चाहिये क्योंकि जब गुलाम कराने वाले महान थे तो आजाद कराने वाले की इज्जत क्यों करते है

    3. Peshwa ke siphahi kewal2000 the jinhone yudh lada or tum angrezo sena alag or mhar alag se 500 the

  2. Jai bhim kisi ko bi kamjor naa smjo

  3. भीमा - कोरेगाव येथील लढाईमध्ये ना मराठी सैन्य जिंकले ना इंग्रज ! याचे कारण म्हणजे, युद्ध संपल्यावर सामान्यतः विजयी पक्ष रणांगणाचा ताबा घेतो ते या ठिकाणी घडून आले नाही. अर्थात काही अपवादात्मक प्रसंगी विजयी पक्षाला रणभूमी ताब्यात घेण्यात यश मिळत नाही किंवा काही कारणास्तव युद्धभूमी ताब्यात न घेता विजयी पक्षाला त्या ठिकाणाहून निघून जावे लागते हे गृहीत धरून देखील कोरेगाव येथे मराठी किंवा इंग्रजी फौजेचा विजय झाला असे ठामपणे म्हणता येत नाही.

    1. तो विजय स्तंभ कशाची साक्ष देतोय, की तो पण खोटा आहे? इतिहास नाकारणे,बदलणे,विकृतीकरण करणे किंवा दाबून टाकणे हे मनुवाद्यांचे काम असते.

    2. जर खरंच त्यांना विजयाचा 'so called' विजयस्तंभ उभा करायचा असता, तर त्यांनी तो खडकी वगैरे इथे झालेल्या विजयाच्या ठिकाणी पण उभे केले असते.

    3. Bhima koregaon madhe marathi sainik kuthe hote marathi tar chatrapati sambhaji maharaj yanche tukde kartana ghabrun gharat basun hote peshvyana ghabrun......pan amcha ekta mahar ganpat pehlwan yala hi batmi kaltach tyala dukh anavar jhale ani na ghabarta tyane jaun tukde gola kele ani aaplya gharat aanle ...eka shimpyala te tukde shivayla sangitle ani mg agni dili mahar lokani ha khara itihaas ahe.he aikun peshvyani tya mahar lokana sudha sodle nahi tyancha pan shirched kela...tya nantar engraj jyaveli bhartat aale tyaveli tyana peshvyanshi ladhta yet navte mhanje pune yethe jata yet navte .mhanun mg {sidhatek mahar} tarun engrajana jaun bhetla ani tyane engrajan sobat karar kela ani sangitle ki tumhala he rajya milun deto jar amchya galyatil { madke jhadu muktta } ani sanmanane jagnyacha adhikar dyal tar, ingrajana hi aat manya jhali ani
      hach { sidhatek mahar } 500 maharana gheun chatrapati sambhaji maharaj yanchya samadhivar jaun darshan gheto ani mhanto maharaj tumchya khunacha badla ghenyaas nighat ahe amhala shakti dya aashirwaad dya...500 maharani 28000 peshvyana sampun takle to divas hota 1 jan mhanun ha shorya divas ahe lakshyaat asudet ...kivha he khote asel tar ingrajana jaun vichara videshaat sangtil tumhala...... ye jhut hai sangnarayni

    4. मि काही बोलू इच्छितो,
      त्या वेळेस ही फक्त इंग्रज जिंकले,
      डिवाइड इन रूल करुण,
      त्या नंतर 150 वर्ष इंग्रजांनी राज्य केले आणि है इतिहास आहे,
      आणि आपन आज पन तोच रूल फॉलो ठेवला ,
      तर पुन्हा एक ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी येणार...
      आन्ही पुन्हा माहित नाहीत किती वर्ष लागणार स्वातंत्र मिळवण्यासाठी..

    5. काहीना दलितांची हजारो वर्षांची स्वधरमीयानची गुलामगिरी दिसत नाही.

  4. सच्चाई सामने आती है तो मनु वादी लोगों की जलने लगती है जैसे कि ऊपर वाले कमेंट में लिखा है वह मनुवादी है इसीलिए उसको सब झूठ लगता है पर सच्चाई छुप नहीं सकती Jai mulnivasi Jai Bharat Jai Bhim जय भीमा कोरेगांव

  5. सच्चाई सामने आती है तो मनु वादी लोगों की जलने लगती है जैसे कि ऊपर वाले कमेंट में लिखा है वह मनुवादी है इसीलिए उसको सब झूठ लगता है पर सच्चाई छुप नहीं सकती Jai mulnivasi Jai Bharat Jai Bhim जय भीमा कोरेगांव

  6. pawan khobragade Right

    Jay bhim
    Jay bhim
    Jay bhim

  7. It means they helps to British people to rule over Indians. Sad Truth.

    1. Absolutely right

    2. kyu jali kya teri

    3. lets be gentle. Hi Anonymous, its truth , but scope was limited to peshwa's only.. the mutiny had strong reasons against the ruler of that times who believe separation of all rights based on castisum only..

  8. मुझे समझ नही आता कुछ भारतीयों ने कुछ भारतीयों को कुछ बाहरी लोगों के साथ लड़ाई की इसमें शौर्य की क्या बात है...अंग्रेजो ने तो सीधा सीधा आपका इस्तेमाल किया...इसमें शौर्य कहा से...मई कहानी कितनी सच्ची कितनी जूठी इसपे नही जाऊंगा..पर एक भारतीय ने दूसरे भारतीय को मारना वो भी किसी फिरंगि के लिए...शौर्य तो निश्चित नही हो सकता।

    1. Why were the Mahars ,being Indians part of the British army?

      The Mahars were a vital component in Chhatrapati Shivaji's army. He deployed 'low caste' Ramoshis, Mahars and Mangs in his infantry and naval forces. The latter helped him establish his empire. In fact, the British did much the same while establishing their empire.

      After Shivaji's death in 1680, the Peshwa rulers oppressed the Mahars, making them hang a pot around their neck to spit and tie a broom around their waist to sweep away their 'impure' footsteps. This social oppression and exclusion led the Mahars to serve the British army and even made them reliable soldiers against the Peshwa rule.

      The British recognised the valour and loyalty of the Mahars and recruited them in such large numbers that they became the biggest caste group in the colonial army and marine forces. During World War I a separate regiment, 111 Mahar, was raised by the British to fight overseas.
      Maharashtrian society under brahmin’s rule followed worst form of social discrimination based on caste wherein the lower strata of society such as untouchables were confined to the stringent Brahmanical laws and subsequently their mobility and development were impaired.

      The untouchables had to carry a broom stick attached to their backs so that when they enter into city, their footprints would not pollute the path. They were forced to put a pot around their neck to carry their spit in the pot. They were not allowed to hold any arms and education was completely barred. Untouchables were killed if they did not follow these restrictions. Bhima-Koregaon battle was the answer of the untouchables to the brahmin ruling class of the country.

    2. और एक भारतीय ने एक भारतीय के साथ जानवर जैसा सलुक करना तुझे ठिक लगता है। ब्राम्हण हमे इनसानीयत का जिना जिने देते तो हमारे पुर्वज फिरंगीयों के साथ ना मिलत और ना यह इतिहासा बन पता। सच्चाई झुटलानासे कुछ नही होता।

    3. Mister nikhil singh
      Kya ek bhartiya dusare bhartiya par jat ya religion ko leke attyaachar kartaa hai isaka bhi jawab dedo phir aur answer lane ke baad hi comment karna got it

    4. Bhai tuze pani pine ka adhikar bhi nahi tuze zamin bhi nahi tuze tere khud ke biwi par bhi adhikar nahi tera khud ka kuch bhi wajud hi nahi hota to,tu kya karta fir bhi mahar sainik peshwa ke pass gaye the unse kahatha ki,hum angrejo, ke saath nahi ladna chahate hum aapki tarafse ladna chahate hai to hume aapke yaha kya jagaha milengi to peshwa ne kaha tha सुई ke nok jitni,bhi jagaha tumhe nahi milegi to muze tu bata bhai mahar ne un peshwa ko faad diya aur apna wajood dunya ko bata diya kya galat kiya jai bhim

    5. Mr.nikhi singh agar itne hi pyare the aur itni hi samj thi to kyu peshwawone jatiwad kiya tha achuto ke sath aur jab gand me lakda ghusa tab tumko Hindustani yad aye tab kaha the jab peshawa ne humare logo ko apnane se inkar kar diya tha aur aaj tum jaise log jo itihas thik se jante bhi nahi to muh uthake bolte hai isme virta kaha hai

    6. क्यों भारतीय सिर्फ हम थे क्या तभी ओ लोग नही क्या हमारे पुर्वजोने जो सहा है ना निखिल सहाब ओ जरा आप एक महीना सह कर देखे फिर बोलना कल को कोई आपके बीवी बेटी की इजत के साथ खेले तो आप छोड़ दोगे क्या यह केह कर की सामने वाला एक भारतीय है। अरे पेशवा गदार थे । इन्होने छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज को मोघलो के जाल मे फसवाया किव की इनको ।मराठा साम्राज्य नही पेशवा साम्राज्य चाहिए था। जब संभाजी महाराज को काट कर टुकड़े टुकड़े कर दिए गए तो एक भी मराठा या पेशवाने नही हमारे महारोने वुन्हें जमा कर हिन्दू धर्म नुसर वडगाव बुदृक को शान से महारवाडा मे समाधि दि गयी।और इस के लिए पेशवांने वडगाव के महरोको काट डाला तभी भीमा कोरेगाँवके 500 महरोने पेशवा विरुद्ध युद्ध किया और छत्रपति संभाजी महाराज का बदला लिया देश द्रोही ओको मारना देशके विरुद्ध होता है? खुद तो देश के लिए कुछ कर नही रहे हो और ऊपर से इतिहास मे गलतिया निकाला रहे हो।आप की औकात नही उन लोगो पर कमेन्ट करने की ।इतिहास पूरा जानने के बाद कुछ बोला करो वरना बहोत बुरा होता है इसका रेअक्शन ।फोकट का नेट रहा तो कुछ भी बोलते है ।किस बात की अकल तो होती नही है खाली फुकट गंधा मु खोल कर समाज मे गंधगी फेलाते है।तुम समाजके लिए क्या कर रहे हो ये देखो पहले फिर भोको।निकिल नाम याद रखना मेरा

      * जय शिवजी जय शंभु जय भीम*
      गौरव मोरे.

    7. क्यों भारतीय सिर्फ हम थे क्या तभी ओ लोग नही क्या हमारे पुर्वजोने जो सहा है ना निखिल सहाब ओ जरा आप एक महीना सह कर देखे फिर बोलना कल को कोई आपके बीवी बेटी की इजत के साथ खेले तो आप छोड़ दोगे क्या यह केह कर की सामने वाला एक भारतीय है। अरे पेशवा गदार थे । इन्होने छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज को मोघलो के जाल मे फसवाया किव की इनको ।मराठा साम्राज्य नही पेशवा साम्राज्य चाहिए था। जब संभाजी महाराज को काट कर टुकड़े टुकड़े कर दिए गए तो एक भी मराठा या पेशवाने नही हमारे महारोने वुन्हें जमा कर हिन्दू धर्म नुसर वडगाव बुदृक को शान से महारवाडा मे समाधि दि गयी।और इस के लिए पेशवांने वडगाव के महरोको काट डाला तभी भीमा कोरेगाँवके 500 महरोने पेशवा विरुद्ध युद्ध किया और छत्रपति संभाजी महाराज का बदला लिया देश द्रोही ओको मारना देशके विरुद्ध होता है? खुद तो देश के लिए कुछ कर नही रहे हो और ऊपर से इतिहास मे गलतिया निकाला रहे हो।आप की औकात नही उन लोगो पर कमेन्ट करने की ।इतिहास पूरा जानने के बाद कुछ बोला करो वरना बहोत बुरा होता है इसका रेअक्शन ।फोकट का नेट रहा तो कुछ भी बोलते है ।किस बात की अकल तो होती नही है खाली फुकट गंधा मु खोल कर समाज मे गंधगी फेलाते है।तुम समाजके लिए क्या कर रहे हो ये देखो पहले फिर भोको।निकिल नाम याद रखना मेरा

      * जय शिवजी जय शंभु जय भीम*
      गौरव मोरे.

    8. शौर्य नही है तो क्या है? गुलामी से बाहर आ गये ना. पेशवे ने गुलाम बना रखा था वो काम पेशवे को शौर्य कहेगा क्या? अब तू बता शौर्य किसे कहते है...

    9. भाई, यह जो लड़ाके जिन्होंने पेशवा के लिए लढाई लड़ी थी जित के बादभी पेशवाने इन्हें अपमानित किया था और गुलामी का जीवन जीने को मजबूर किया गया था! यही योद्धा हैं जिन्होंने पेशवा की हार पक्की कियी थी, अंग्रेज चाहे बाहरसे आये थे लेकिन शिक्षा, न्याय,क्षेत्रमें आगे थे और समतावादी विचारोंके रहे थे, धार्मिक गुलामगिरी के खिलाफ थे! जिसके वजह से देशमें सामाजिक क्रांतिकी पृष्टभूमि तैयार हो सकी !

    10. Kyu bhai jab hum likh padh rahe hai to tum bramhnwadi khush kaise rahoge

    11. ब्राह्मणवाद के खिलाफ शानदार कार्य। महारों के शौर्य का इतिहास। अमर रहेगा। जय भीम


    12. और एक भारतीय ने एक भारतीय के साथ जानवर जैसा सलुक करना तुझे ठिक लगता है। ब्राम्हण हमे इनसानीयत का जिना जिने देते तो हमारे पुर्वज फिरंगीयों के साथ ना मिलत और ना यह इतिहासा बन पता। सच्चाई झुटलानासे कुछ नही होता।

  9. lekin bhartiyo ne bhartiyo ka sath na dekar firangiyo ka sath kyu diya ye baat to socho nikhil ji..kyu kyu kyu..koi to vajah hogi..

    1. Bhai vajah koi bhi ho....fir antakwadiyo ka bhi samrthan karna to apke nazar me yogya hoga.....Yane agar aap naraz ho to un shaktiyo ka sath de jo ki desh ke liye khatra hai, ye kya logic hai..........Ye to baat aisi hui ki koi beta baap se naraz hai to wo un logo ka sath dena shuru kar de jo uska ghar barbad karne me lage huye hai...Sorry bt I m nt agree

    2. aatankwadiyo ka samrthan ek alg bat hai, our oos waqt ke achooto ki baat alag hai jinhe khane pine aur apna jeevan sanmaan k saath jine ki anumati bhi nhi thi, jo sadiyo se kuchle ja rahe the.. are unhe to awwaj uthane ki bhi anumati nh thi.. agr apna haq pane ke liye unhone jaan ki baji lagaye our ummid se 20 guna dushman ko dhul chata di to ye to bahadoori hi mani jayegi..

    3. Why were the Mahars ,being Indians part of the British army?

      The Mahars were a vital component in Chhatrapati Shivaji's army. He deployed 'low caste' Ramoshis, Mahars and Mangs in his infantry and naval forces. The latter helped him establish his empire. In fact, the British did much the same while establishing their empire.

      After Shivaji's death in 1680, the Peshwa rulers oppressed the Mahars, making them hang a pot around their neck to spit and tie a broom around their waist to sweep away their 'impure' footsteps. This social oppression and exclusion led the Mahars to serve the British army and even made them reliable soldiers against the Peshwa rule.

      The British recognised the valour and loyalty of the Mahars and recruited them in such large numbers that they became the biggest caste group in the colonial army and marine forces. During World War I a separate regiment, 111 Mahar, was raised by the British to fight overseas.
      Maharashtrian society under brahmin’s rule followed worst form of social discrimination based on caste wherein the lower strata of society such as untouchables were confined to the stringent Brahmanical laws and subsequently their mobility and development were impaired.

      The untouchables had to carry a broom stick attached to their backs so that when they enter into city, their footprints would not pollute the path. They were forced to put a pot around their neck to carry their spit in the pot. They were not allowed to hold any arms and education was completely barred. Untouchables were killed if they did not follow these restrictions. Bhima-Koregaon battle was the answer of the untouchables to the brahmin ruling class of the country.

    4. Nikhil ji aap aatankawadiyo mein aur un koregaon bhima ke shoor veero mein fark rakhiye bhima koregaon ki ladai khud ke hak ki ladai thi aatankwadi maidan mein aake nahi ladte wo chup ke war karte hai koregaon bhima ki ladai un shoor veero ne aamne samne ladi thi jiti bhi thi chati thok ke uska vijay stambh aaj bhi waha un veero ki veerta ki gawahi deta hai aur baap pehle bhi mulniwasi the aur aaj bhi hai

    5. Baap bete ka exapmle deto ho.....
      Us vakt me achuto ki patni .bahen.betio ko kothe pe ya sade aam ejjat luti jati thi apne hi desh ke ha pesheve log.tab us achuto ke man ko kya lagta hoga.

      Us achuto ki ptni beti bahan ki jagah .tumhari patni beti behan hoti aaour uski ejjat luti hoti to tum unke kilhaf kya karte battao. Kya apne hi desh ka hai isliye use chod dete aaur dubara karne ka mouka dete.

    6. Kon beta or kon baap hai vo to tuje 500 maharo se hi pta chal gya hoga jisne apni 28000 beto ko galti ki saja di

  10. please sent name of bhima koregaon mahars

  11. please sent bhima koregaon mahars

  12. aatankwadiyo ka samrthan ek alg bat hai, our oos waqt ke achooto ki baat alag hai jinhe khane pine aur apna jeevan sanmaan k saath jine ki anumati bhi nhi thi, jo sadiyo se kuchle ja rahe the.. are unhe to awwaj uthane ki bhi anumati nh thi.. agr apna haq pane ke liye unhone jaan ki baji lagaye our ummid se 20 guna dushman ko dhul chata di to ye to bahadoori hi mani jayegi

  13. Jay bhim Jay Bharat Jay hind suno salo jab ladai shru bhi nahi Hui thi tab mahar batalion k caption peshwa k pass Gaye the ki Hume aapki army me jagah mil Sakti h kya tab peshwa NE kya bola tha tumhe sui k kan kitni jagah nahi mil Sakti tab ki baat ki kuch aur thi salo jab humari satkti h Na to behnchodo ithass ban jata h aage bhi HUME kamjor samjne ki jidd Mt krr Dena Verna hum go rahenge prr tum log nahi beta humari unity dekhna h Na to krr Lena kabhi himmat aur beta sun yadi desh ki baat ati h Na to hum sir katwa bhi saktey aur kaat bhi saktey h behnchodo tum Hume sikhaonge deshbhakti salo hum to ek dil me apna desh aur baba sahab ko hi raktey h Jo saink the Na mahar batalion k unhone apne hak k liye ladai ladi h Aur suno kabhi himmat ho Na to aamney samne aaker bolo ye sab

  14. ये लडाई मूलनिवासी महारों ने विदेशी अंग्रेजों के साथ मिलकर विदेशी आर्य ब्राहमनों के साथ की थी। इसमें कुछ गलत नही था।

  15. Yes, its real story as per history, and when one person sturgled because of other person then definietly there should be fight for right.... Nothing is wrong. But this is history so please dont make issue's on it and let enjoy the life everybody.

  16. Please yaar we are young generation
    We have so many responsibility to Owen country
    Jo Ho gaya usko to nahi badla Ja Sakta
    Par ab hum badal sakte Hain

    Bas ab aur mat baato desh ko hum sab ek Hain sab barabar hai

    1. kon baat raha desh ko desh ko to brahman baniyo ne baata aur jo past me hogaya usako hum logo ne future me badala he jisako itihaas pata he vo itihaas banata he aur jo bita huva bhulata he vo kabhi apana itihaas nahi bana sakata

    2. Hum bhi wohi sochte Hai lekin Brahmano ko kaun samjhayega ...Hum uss wakt bhi khamosh the jab Brahman humse gulami Kiya karte the ,to Kya woh sahi tha ? Hume kisi chijo anumati nahi thi woh to bhala ho DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR JI ka jinhone sabhi dalitoh ko unka haq dilaya ...

  17. Sorry to all but in the war of bhima koregon there was no win or defeat to British or peshva.British company was having about 900 soldiers(dalits, marathas and brtish).Peshva army consisting of arabs and gosavi-bramins of about 1800 was actually involved in the war.On the first day of war intially there were heavy losses to British army and they were planning to surrender.On second day morning Elphinstone British officer was coming with large arrmy from pune. Hence Pesva as a diplomacy changed the location. When Elphinstone came to koregon, he observed the situation and noted in dairy that it was small victory for Peshva.However many historians have mentioned this war as no win to either Peshva or British. Kindly refer Elphinstones diary.

    1. Bhai tu wikipedia padh liyo aisa lagta hai tora khud pe bharosa nahi

  18. Yes it is inddeed true that inevitably lower caste warrior helped british take over India but also won world war 1 as in 1897 Britishers ban recruitment of lower caste but forced to recruite once again in 1914 where in mosepetimiya they won the toughest battle still today remebered as battle of sharkat .Even one of the major reason to losse Panipat battle is same . This cast system was one of the major reason of Indias poor condition and still today many are reluctant to throw away this system and learn from history

  19. Replies
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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. सब इतना कुछ बोल रहे हैं। ऎसा एक नाम बताओ जो उन 450 महार मे थे लढने क लिए. इतिहास किसी को पुरा पता नही होता है उसमें कहीं ना कहीं खामी और कमी होती हैं।.... मुझे उन महार मे से किसी एक का नाम बताओ. अगर पता होगा तो तभी कमेंट पास करो....

    1. There were lots of mahars...out of that few names are engraved there on the pillar of bhima koregaon of pune..which was built by britishers as a symbol of " one of the proudest triumphs of British Army in the East"..
      The names are engraved on eastern side of pillar...which are as follows..
      Nak belongs to mahar ...
      1. Somnak
      2. Ramnak
      3. Godnak
      4. Bhaagnak
      5. Ambnak
      6. Gannak
      7. Balnak
      8. Rupnak
      9. Vapnak
      10. Vitnak
      And 13 more.. you can visit...bhima koregaon of pune..its still there...

  21. There were lots of mahars...out of that few names are engraved there on the pillar of bhima koregaon of pune..which was built by britishers as a symbol of " one of the proudest triumphs of British Army in the East"..
    The names are engraved on eastern side of pillar...which are as follows..
    Nak belongs to mahar ...
    1. Somnak
    2. Ramnak
    3. Godnak
    4. Bhaagnak
    5. Ambnak
    6. Gannak
    7. Balnak
    8. Rupnak
    9. Vapnak
    10. Vitnak
    And 13 more.. you can visit...bhima koregaon of pune..its still there...

  22. बिना हथीयार वालो पर
    हम कभी वार करते नही
    पिठ पर वार करना हमारी आदत नही
    जो ललकारते है! हमे मैदान मै हम उसे कभी छोडते नही
    जय भिम

  23. खर यांना कधी पटत नाही कारण यांना खर समजल्यावर
    मिरची लागते.
    जय भिम

  24. Brahman agar bahar se aaye hai to sab kahi na kahi se aaye hai .

  25. hum mul nivasi hai

  26. Konitari manuwadi asa brahmanana udeshoon mhanatale aahe pan remeber MANU ek RAJA I.E.Kshatiya hota braan nahi

  27. The Company troops left Shirur at 8 pm on 31 December 1817. After marching all night and covering a distance of 25 miles, they reached the high ground behind Talegaon Dhamdhere. From there, they spotted Peshwa's army across the Bhima River. Captain Staunton marched up to Koregaon Bhima village, which was located on the banks of the river. The village was surrounded by a low mud wall. Captain Staunton made a feint of crossing the shallow Bhima river. A 5,000-strong infantry, which was slightly ahead of the Peshwa's base, retreated to inform him about the presence of British forces. Meanwhile, Staunton stationed his forces in Koregaon instead of crossing the river. He secured a strong position for his guns, posting one of them to guard an approach from the Bhima river (which was running almost dry), and another to guard the road from Shirur.[1][6]

    After the return of his 5,000-strong infantry, the Peshwa dispatched three infantry parties of Arab, Gosain and Maratha soldiers. Each party comprised 300–600 soldiers. The parties crossed the Bhima River at three different points, supported by two cannons and rocket fire. The Marathas also made a feint attack from the Shirur road.[6][11]

    By noon, the Arabs took control of a temple on the outskirts of the village. One of the temples was retaken by a party led by Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Wyllie. The Arabs also captured the sole gun guarding the river, and killed eleven gunners, including their officer Lieutenant Chisholm. Driven by thirst and hunger, some of the Company's gunners suggested negotiating a surrender. However, Captain Staunton refused to yield. A group led by Lieutenant Pattison retook the gun, and found Lieutenant Chisholm's body with the head cut off. Captain Staunton declared that this would be the fate of those who fall into the Maratha hands. This encouraged the gunners to fight on. The Company troops successfully defended the village.[1][6]

    The Maratha forces ceased firing and left the village by 9 pm, driven by the fear of approaching British reinforcements under General Joseph Smith.[10][13] At night, the Company troops managed to procure a supply of water.[11] The Peshwa remained near Koregaon on the next day, but did not launch another attack. Captain Staunton, who was not aware of General Smith's advance, believed that the Peshwa would attack the Company troops on the Koregaon-Pune route. On the night of 2 January, Staunton first pretended to go in the direction of Pune but then marched back to Shirur, carrying most of his wounded soldiers.[7][11]

    Casualties Edit

    Out of the 834 Company troops, 275 were killed, wounded or missing. The dead included two officers — Assistant-Surgeon Wingate and Lieutenant Chisholm; Lieutenant Pattison later died of his wounds in Shirur.[1] Among the infantrymen, 50 were killed and 105 wounded. Among the artillery, 12 were killed and 8 were wounded.[9]

    According to the British estimates, around 500 to 600 of Peshwa's soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle.[1]

    Mountstuart Elphinstone, who visited Koregaon two days later on 3 January 1818, wrote that the houses had been burned and the streets were filled with dead bodies of horses and men. There were around 50 dead bodies lying in the village, most of them of the Peshwa's Arab soldiers. There were six dead bodies outside the village. In addition, there were shallow graves of 50 native sepoys, 11 European soldiers and the 2 deceased officers belonging to the Company forces

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. S unke gand me dum nahi is liye jalan hoti hai............Jay bhim....Only......

    1. Aap logome dum hai to aarakhan ko laath maro, aap khudko bada aaur aur accha batane ke liye bramhan ko gaali dete ho, aapke &^% me dum hai to kisiko bura bole bagair khudko accha banake dikhao, fir baat karenge


  30. वो वक्त माहोल वैसा था काई बार हमारे महाराज पर भी बहोत से ब्रम्हीनों ने कांचन लगाया | और तो और संभाजी महाराज को किसने मारवया, उनके ग्रंथ कौन खा गया? जो हुआ सो हुआ वक्त वक्त कि बाते है | आज के जमणे मी जीन्स खतरा है उनको नापिक करो यारों|

    1. Sirf bramhan the kya us jamane me , tumhare paas kya proofs hai batao, kisi bhadvene bola aur tumane maan , khudka dimaag lagao, samajho, isliye tumhare liye savarkar, karve, babasaheb ne kuch bramhanke khilaf nahi gaye lekin aap log itne ghatiya hop kesavarkar , karve,agar,tilak inka naambhi nahi lete jinhone aap logonke liye apnehi logonko dushmna banaya tha, savarkar ke bhai aur family ko aap logonehi mara jabki wo babsaheb ki help karte the, sambhaji maharaj ke time peshave nahi the unko to aap logonehi pakadne keliye madat ki aur wo kavi kalash jo ke bramhan the unke saath pakade gaye, kavi kalash ne sambhaji maharaj ke baareme itni acchi baate ki ke aurangzebne unki jaban nikal di, aankhe phodi thi, wo nahi baat karenge.

      aap logonko kucch nahi aata bramhanko gaali diye bagair jabki jin logonka naam leke gaali dete ho unhone sirf buraai ke khilaf aawaj uthai thi naki bramhan jaati ke khilaf.

      itna yaad rakho hum chup rahate iska matlab darate hai ye nahi hai, gandagi me patthar maroge to gandagi ke chhinte udate hai ye sochkar aap logonko koi reply nahi deta hai, aap logonki tarah brahman bhi pidit tha aur hai, humko naapik karne wale aaye aaur khatam ho gaye ,iske aage bolne ki jarurat nahi hai.

  31. The bullshit is given here, App log itne harami ho ke apni gaand pit pit kar wohi bolke aisa mahot kar rahe ho itne salose ke sabko lage wohi sach hai, agar itne aapme dum tha to jis timepe galat huva aapke sath tabhi reply dena chahiye tha,koi bhi bramhin ameer nahi tha, jamindar bramhan nahi the to bramhanone aapke sath kaise galat kiya? agar padhai nahi karne dete the aisa bolte ho phir babasaheb, mahatma phule,etc.. log kaise padhe???? saalo jine kiye unke khilaf kuch karne ki himmat nahi hai, tabiyat patali hoti hai , hum log chup chap rahate hai isliye hame soft target banaya hai.

    aapko agar bheja hai to use karo , vichar karo ke aisa ho sakta tha kya jab brahman sirf bhiksha pe jeeta hai, wo garib hai firbhi aapki maar raha hai,. aisa ho sakta hai kya???

    Jobhi aaya mane bak diya itna hi aata hai, samaj me aatank phailana itnahi aapko aata hai aur sab fokatme rahana to aapke blood me hai,

    aapke log aapki maar rahe hai wo samazme nahi aata , kuch padha likha nahi ke aa gaye brahman ka naam leke? shukriya karna chahiye ke hamara hi naam leke aapko jeeneke liye paisa mil raha hai.

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharajka bhi naam leke unka naam ganda karte ho , kucch to sharam karo ke jinki wajahse hum log hai unkahi naam leke ganda politics khelte ho.

    aapme himmat hai to reservation ko nakaro, hai dum? nahi hai.
    Zuthi shaan ko failana, khudko shurveer samajahte ho asalme aap log darte ho humse isliye hamko maarne keliye koshish karte ho, agar khudpe bharosa rahata to hamare bareme sochate hi nahi , na hi accha bolte na zoota bas kaam karte jo ke aapke paas nahi hai , sab freeme milta hai isliye sab kucch karne ka time milta hai.

    Apana itihas thikse padho to samajoge sacchai kya hai, ye mulniwashi, kulwadi, sambhaji maharaj ke bramhan ne mara, etc.. ye sab bakwas hai, yahi samajhme aayega

    1. Babasaheb kaha padhe the pata hain degree dekh le unki kaha Jake padhe hain toh. Sab itihas Badal diya unhone air Bolte hain humne kuch nahi Kiya . Ghatiya prathaye lakar logo or julum kiye phir bhi kehte hain humne kya kiya. Itno ne books likhe hain unki kya Mati maar gyi itna likhne ke liye kya shauk Chad gya that likhne ke liye unhe

  32. भीमा कोरेगांव पर आने वाले सभी भीम सैनिकोंकी असुविधा देखते हुए हम समता सैनिक दल, पुणे की और से आप सभा को आवेदन करते हैं की आप समता सैनिक दल के माध्यम से कमसे कमी एक दीन स्वयंसेवक बनके यहा आनेवाले २०-२५ लाख आंबेडकरी जनता का नीयोजन मैं मदत करेन!
    Volunteer के रहने खानेकी व्यवस्था दल की तरफसे की जायेगी.🙏
    अमित कांबळे, सैनिक
    समता सैनिक दल

  33. सप्रेम जयभीम मेरे बहन -भाइयो
    मेरे आदरणीय पुर्वजोने इतना दर्दनाक जुल्म सहन किये। मै उन्हें नतमस्तक हूँ,जिंनोने अपनी क़ुरबानी देकर हमें सवारा है। मैं उन ५०० वीर सपूतो के अदम्य साहस और वीरता को सलाम करता हूँ , मै ०१-०१-२०१८ तारीख को आकर अदृश्य प्रेरणा रूपी भीमा कोरेगाव विजय स्तम्भ का दर्शन करनेका इच्छुक हूँ। हमारे लिए बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर भगवान तो नहीं - मगर भगवान से कम नहीं बाबासाहब नहीं होते तो - हम कहाँ जाते। उनके चरणोमे नतमस्तक
    लोकानंद जांभुळकर
    पंडीत दिन दयाल उपाध्याय नगर,रायपुर ,(छत्तीसगढ़)

  34. Wo history thi ...
    Use lekar aaj mat ladiye aaj hum sab ek hai....

  35. Now its time for us to be brave as these 500 great soldiers.

    Say no to reservation, and show the nation that we are brave and can win the race without cane.

  36. मी आहे आंबेडकरी, नमन त्या युगपुरुषाला ज्याने दलित जनतेला आधार दिला जो त्या वेळी गरजेचा होता आज ही आहे काही जागी.

    आई-वडीलांची आर्थिक परिस्तिति ही हालाखीची नाही म्हनून कास्ट सर्टिफिकेट बनवाय ची मेहनत बाबान्नी घेतली नाही.
    मुळ मुद्दा असा की परिवर्तन होतय, आणि ते एजुकेशन नेच शक्य आहे.
    माझे बरेच मित्र ब्राम्‍हंण आहेत, बरेच मराठा आणि चिक्कार दलित मित्र बांधव आहेत.
    आता तुम्ही बोलाल हा सर्वाची कास्ट का सांगतोय, कारण आता माझ्या ३१ वर्षात एकदाही मला माझ्या कास्ट मुळे कुठेच प्रोब्लेम आला नाही अगदि लग्नात सुधा, कारण माझी बायको वीधार्मिय आहे.
    सर्व मित्र परिवाराणे सतत माझी मदत केली आहे.

    इश्यू कुठेच नाहीये.

    जे पुण्यात घडतय ते कोण आणि कोणत्या राजकारणा साठि करतय हे न समजण्या ईतकी महाराष्ट्रा ची सर्व धार्मिय जनता नक्किच नादान नाही.

    भावा दारू आणि पैशा साठि मानुसकी वर दगड मारू नको. जो तुला दगड मारायला सांगतोय त्याच्या डोक्यात नक्किच दगड भरलेले आहेत.

    जय हिंद, जय महाराष्ट्र.

  37. band karo ye sab kam pe dhan do jio aur jine do

  38. Very true, we are in 21st century. Past is past, we should look at the future!

    1. Yes Right .....

    2. All this is vote bank politics.
      Common man dont ask or tell his religion or cast in dayly life.
      British ruled on India with concept of devide & rule & now politicians are doing the same. Common man of every cast has nothing to do with that & every common man should understand the same.

  39. Are AK..I don't know who r u..but see..tu boltos ki..,"agar khudpe bharosa rahata to hamare bareme sochate hi nahi , na hi accha bolte na zoota bas kaam karte jo ke aapke paas nahi hai , sab freeme milta hai isliye sab kucch karne ka time milta hai."...
    mg he tari bolnyavr tu ka tuza vel ghalvato ahes...tuch paha na ata kon konacha vichar karat basley ani konala kiti kame ahet...tu kiti chan bolto ahes te pn agdi khare...
    tr suruvat tuzyapasun kar ani mg dusryanna shahanpan shikav

  40. Are AK..I don't know who r u..but see..tu boltos ki..,"agar khudpe bharosa rahata to hamare bareme sochate hi nahi , na hi accha bolte na zoota bas kaam karte jo ke aapke paas nahi hai , sab freeme milta hai isliye sab kucch karne ka time milta hai."...
    mg he tari bolnyavr tu ka tuza vel ghalvato ahes...tuch paha na ata kon konacha vichar karat basley ani konala kiti kame ahet...tu kiti chan bolto ahes te pn agdi khare...
    tr suruvat tuzyapasun kar ani mg dusryanna shahanpan shikav
